A/V/AV Feedback
A/V/AV Feedback was one of the first projects where I investigated connections between visual and audio media, and how the two lived together in an interactive environment. See the project in your browser: abrudesign.com/feedback.
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My findings plotted within an interactive data visualization.
The purpose of the project was to measure, analyze, and display recorded information surrounding the use of a simple one-button MIDI instrument. What made the project interesting, however, is that some users received visual-only feedback while playing, some received audio-only feedback, and others received both visual and audio feedback.
Colors that the screen produced depending on the velocity of button-pushes.
I wanted to understand how feedback received affected a users interaction with the instrument. Plotting this data side-by-side on a timeline revealed that users who received both visual and audio feedback played most dynamically. Users who received audio-only feedback played the least dynamically, and users who only received video fell in between.
Testing the system
The simple, one-button MIDI instrument.
© 2015 Alex Bruno / ABRU Design