Why are combinations of visuals and audio most often referred to as “audiovisual?” Do the words simply sound better? Or does the audio take prominence in the combination—is the visual merely a reactive afterthought?
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Projected visual-audio piece featured in the installation
Open/Close was exhibited from April 10–26 at VCU’s Anderson Gallery, as a part of the School of the Arts Graduate MFA exhibition.
A strict set of rules allowed me to generate visual and audio content based upon an idea—in this case, the concepts “open” and “close.”
East side of room, phase I
The videos communicate the concept in several phases, and the audio is key in helping deliver this communication to a viewer.
East side of room, phase II
West side of room, phase II
This photo courtesy of Terry Brown for VCUarts
East side of room, phase III
West side of room, phase III
Model of room layout
© 2015 Alex Bruno / ABRU Design